Amazing workshop with @btdrums @michaelleemusic and @lordofdoubled today. Amazing band that can make anything sound great and DELIBERATE.
@imikepena @switchfoot ALMOST, Mike. So close!! It comes out Tuesday. And you shall hear me celebrating with a grand n’ glorious “HECK YUP!”
Oh Man. Just heard @switchfoot ‘s Dark Horses on 98.7 here in LA. YES YES YES YES. Can’t wait til this releases. #wearethedarkhorses
Worked on a new song for @kipfox today. Production is sonic painting, and I got neck deep in color and made a beautiful mess today. 😀
Some great gigs on the horizon. This musical life feels undeserved. Thanks, God, for shining light into my corner of your world.
Holy cow. This guy is one of my favorite guitarists on the planet. So much sauce on every note. As a matter of fact, for the thousands of you who’ve downloaded my Strong cd, the song “Fumble” was inspired by Mr. Most. It was my humble attempt to be the Mini-Me version of Andy.
Anyway, enjoy some of this juicy sonic beef all up in your grill.
@kipfox better. A little home surgery and I’m good as new. Are we gigging in CA anytime in the near future?
Dear guitar players: @ThisIsRobThomas ‘s Cradlesongs provides a Masters Degree in how to layer creative guitars in the studio. #yourewelcome
I’m in Oroville, CA. At a brewery. Just finished playing a gig on the road to pay my bills. @switchfoot is on the jukebox. Life is grand.
The true test of manliness: in 20min I will play a gig with a metal splinter in a fretting fingertip. Ouch. #whatwouldchucknorrisdo #dontcry
Good thinking… If you open the shirt, you won’t spill any Subway on it. Brilliant.
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