OK, so I’m finally off the road. It’s been a long few months (but I absolutely love it). I should be back to work here at TheToneChef.com a little more frequently now. And just to show you that I still love you, how about some free Christmas music for your ears and your band? Who doesn’t love free music.
Guitars are Taylor acoustics (BTO Grand Symphony and a GS Mini nashville strung), a Les Paul Special and what I affectionately call the “Pearce-o-caster” from Tom Anderson Guitarworks. Amps are an Electroplex Rocket 22 and some JMP Marshall 2061x.
Click the link here to Enjoy! (Link is via The Armchair Project)
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Good sounding—me gusta! I sent this to a few of my WL type friends …hope they use this rather than the same ole triedtheredunthatsamekeyfeelstuff.